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Real Housewives of Miami: Like mother like daughter

16 Mar

Guys, Know when to run.

The Real Housewives of Miami might be the most rediculous of all the housewives shows. One in particular, Marysol struck me as sort of odd looking and a bit of a closet crazy. (You know you’ve found a winner when the chick is on reality TV AND has a mugshot. Double score!… I think she looks better in the mugshot truthfully.)

But then I saw her mother (For Marysol’s sake let’s hope the apple falls VERY VERY VERY far away from the tree). WARNING: Hide any small children.

There are no words…

Here’s a video in case you need more creepiness.

DMB Caravan: Christmas comes early this year.

16 Mar

How did I miss this?! (I know I’m behind on everything, not a shocker… but you appreciate my excitement right? ;))

Dave Matthews Band is planning a Caravan tour in which they will go to four US locations and put on a festival of awesomeness. They will be the headliners, but three of the four locations haven’t been released yet… cross your fingers MO! (I’m not gonna hold my breath.)

The first location has been revealed to be 3 days of fun in Atlantic City June 24-26,2011. Additional bands will include Ray Lamontagne, The Flaming Lips, OAR, David Gray, Michael Franti with Spearhead…. holy crap! I need a ticket and a road trip buddy…BTW now accepting resume’s.

For all the details go to the official DMBCaravan Site:

Spring 2011 Accessories: Not Mr. Big, But BIG.

16 Mar

For spring accessories think Big. REALLY BIG.

Bracelets- Big bangles

Big Necklaces- Statement pieces

Big Hair- Bauble up your hair. There are lots of options out there!

Big Shoes…

And small heels- go for Kitten

Big glasses- 2 words: Cat eye.

Going into Fall- big headpieces, big belts, big hats.

And For Men…

Plaid ties

Soft briefcases

Suede and sneakers

Happy spring!!

Losing weight: Actions speak louder than words.

16 Mar

Sound familiar?

No one cares that you want to lose weight or aren’t happy with your body. It’s best just to keep your mouth shut… you aren’t gonna make friends being overly sensitive and obsessive.  No one is happy with everything about themselves even the size zero, metabolic freaks (why do you think plastic surgeons are so rich$$).  This guaranteed unhappiness is a product of the world and society we live in.

I hear people of both sexes, shapes, and sizes complain about their weight. I may be the worst of them all. But right afterwards its comic (not to mention awkward) that the whirlwind grabbing for a favorite calorie ridden candy bar, or a quick stop at their go-to fast food place is inevitable. Sometimes victims even talk about how fat they are while eating (Hello?!) Like talking about losing weight has made you hungry?  Talking about it solves nothing, plus that candy is especially not helping. Wouldn’t you rather enjoy what you are currently indulging in, than feel guilty before the experience is even over?

I personally have crossed into a new land of minor black outs while eating and when I come to, the sight is not pretty (probably why I live alone). I’m not even recognizing that I’m eating, much less conscious of any enjoyment (this might be what is called emotional eating…)

Doing something and taking action is the only thing that’s gonna help you (or maybe just accepting your flaws and moving on…we only live once). And no matter how much you complain or wish it true, the people around you can’t help you either. It’s a personal choice just like anything else. You want something to be different you change it. There is noone to burden or blame for it but yourself. I think in today’s world we need to stop feeling guilty.

Pick a side. This country is obese, we all know that. We have created a gluttonous form of narcicissm through food. Either you enjoy what you are eating and stop complaining or be cranky and hungry. But perhaps there is a third choice? How about we appreciate being healthy, but not deny ourselves the smallest pleasures food has to offer either.

There is such a thing as a happy medium. And while some of us have a harder time finding it, we all have a say in it. A say that I don’t mind hearing.

the blind project: Time to save the world.

16 Mar

After having dinner with a friend last night, I was made aware of a really great and fashionable cause called The Blind Project. This project entails a group of people working to stop the horrifying sex trade of women and children in southeast Asia. Along with various other partnerships and projects, they have created a sustainable style brand that helps to provide employment and a second chance for sex trafficking victims. Many of them are thrust back into the evil world of sex trafficking due to lack of resources and low economic means.

To donate or learn more go to The Blind Project’s Website:

And their blog:

Makes you realize that your Starbucks order getting messed up this morning, a pimple on your face, a run in your hose, or a fight with a friend doesn’t seem like such a big deal now, huh?

We all need to do our part to have compassion, making the world a better place.

These girls who started the project  are an excellent example of the power of ideas, the power of the individual, and the power of a good heart.